
Danmark fra Larkollen

mandag 19. juli 2010

Weakly report: Week 28/10

First week in the third quarter. I'm in compliance with my plan both in amount and quality.
I need to do some adjustments when it comes to running shoes. I'm going to use only very lightweight/competition shoes from now on. I think both Puma Concinnity and Montrail Masochist have been giving me serious trouble with my knee's. I'll check that out in the time to come.
In addition I've decided to run an ultrarace more this quarter-Rallarvegløpet. I'd originally planned to participate but redecided a while ago. No I've changed my mind. I need the time off and it can be fitted into my training programme with some adjustments. Looking forward to 81 km(50,3 miles) distributed on two days, 54+27 km(33,55 + 16,78 miles) on Saturday and Sunday. It's a mountain race at Finse in Norway. The scenery is awesome and it's something I really cherish-just me and mother nature for hours long.

1. Total amount of training since 1th of January: 
157h / 6,28h pr week(Running: 112,1h / 1054,3 km)

2. Total amount of training since 12th of July: 
5,88h /5,88h pr week (Running: 3,82h/35,45 km)

3. Total amount of training this week:
5,88h(Running: 3,82h/35,45 km)

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